Recycling The Bottle

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12-1-16Bottled water is the choice of drink for many people, and in fact, it has recently overtaken bottled soda in sales, making it America’s most popular drink.  However, while the bottle allows for easy transportation and enjoyment of our water, we are well aware of the environmental impact an improperly disposed bottle can have.  So, to help both you and the environment, we’ve put together some guidelines on how to properly dispose of our bottle, as to limit the footprint we have on our planet.

When speaking about the bottle, it is important to note that the entire bottle is 100% recyclable.  Thanks to new developments in plastics, the entirety of the bottle can be salvaged and reused for another purpose.  In fact, the amount of plastic used in bottles have diminished substantially; about 48% during the past 14 years.  All of this allows for our bottles to have less of an environmental impact, while still delivering to you the freshest water this side of the Mississippi.

In addition, the recycling rate for water bottles has increased by 37% over the past ten years, proving that more and more people are playing an impact in keeping the environment safe.  Not only that, but those big 3-5 gallon jugs that we offer will be reused by the recycling plant about 30-50 times before being fully recycled.  All of this goes towards reducing the impact and negative connotation that bottled water used to have on the environment.

To recycle your water bottles, simply put it in a separate bin, and check when your municipality offers curbside recycling pickup.  If for some reason they do not, a local recycling center is only a short drive away (simply search the web for your nearest location).

While we hope that you enjoy all the best water that Glen Summit Springs has to offer, we hope you will also take an active part to reduce the amount of impact that we have on the environment.  Together, we can make the world a more sustainable, and more hydrated place.

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