Refilling Our Water Bottles

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You may have noticed in the news recently some talk on how it may be unhygienic to reuse a disposable water bottle, and all of the dangers that this practice can cause.  Well, to help drain out all of that noise, we are here today to set the record straight.  Join us as we give you the truth about refilling our disposable water bottles!

When it comes to reusing water bottles, there must be a line drawn at what bottles you are reusing.  Is it those small plastic ones that our fresh water comes in, or is it those sturdy, heavier-plastic ones that you can pick up at any grocery or sports store?  If it’s the latter, then you can fill that up as many times as you want, friend (just be sure to clean it out every now and then).  Now, if it is the former, that is where things become much more complicated.

Disposable water bottles are called that for a reason—they are disposable.  That being said, they are not meant for the continual filling and refilling of water, and that is certainly not what happens when you recycle those bottles.  If you are in a pinch, then you can refill a disposable bottle, but in most cases you are just better off picking up a new bottle, as not only will there be less bacteria flowing from that bottle, the water itself will be much more fresh.

However, why try to refill your disposable bottle when you can just reach for a bottle of Glen Summit Spring water instead?  Coming straight from the springs of Pennsylvania, the reward will be well worth your effort.

Give us a call today for your own order of water!

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