Drinking Water Abroad

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8-23-16Travelling the world is one of those things that everyone should take an advantage of.  With so many sights to see and new foods to try, the possibilities are limitless when it comes to travel.  However, of all the things readily available to you overseas, clean drinking water does not always fall into that category.  So, in an effort to help keep you safe when traveling, we have provided a few guidelines on how to get the best water when away from our Glen Summit Springs!

Getting sick can really put a damper on your vacation, so it is extremely important to keep in mind the water you drink when away from home.  A general rule for drinking water is not to drink the water in an underdeveloped country, or one that has very poor sanitation.  You are far better off drinking the tap water in England or France than you are in Honduras or Columbia.  However, in all of these locations, bottled water is generally fine, so long as it is sealed and tamper-free.  Just like you would at home, do not drink out of a bottle that has been already opened.

While we encourage you to stay away from the water in different countries, there are a few drinks that should be safe to drink, regardless of the water quality.  Coffee, tea, and anything else that needs to be boiled in order to be made are safe, along with juices and other canned items.  Alcoholic beverages are also safe, too, although they may be a little stronger than the ones you get at home!

The TSA may not let you bring a few cases of Glen Summit Spring Water on your next flight, but with some simple knowledge and a little background research, you won’t need to.

However, it’s best to enjoy good water while the getting is still good.  To order a case of our pure, spring water, give us a call today!

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