Factual Thursday: Per Capita Consumption

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6-23-16Hey Glen Summit Spring Water fans, welcome to our latest edition of Factual Thursday, where we provide you with some fun facts and statistics on water that we find interesting.  This week, we’re getting statistical and talking about per capita consumption of bottled water worldwide.

While the United States is know for its love of water, especially bottled water, it is not the world leader per capita in bottled water consumption.  In 2014, the U.S. had 34 gallons of bottled water per person, which placed 8th worldwide.

The winner for per capita bottled water consumption is Mexico, at 69.8 gallons.  That’s a little over double of what the United States is at.  Other notable countries for bottled water consumption are Thailand, Italy, Belgium, Germany, and the United Arab Emirates.

The US may be sitting 8th on the global level, but it is slowly climbing the ladder.  Over the past 2 years, we have seen an increase in bottled water consumption nationally, even in our little pocket of Southern New Jersey.  All that is needed is a little push, and the US can be a force to be reckoned with when regarding bottled water consumption.

So, to get that push, we need your help.  We need you to do your civic duty and drink more water.  Not only will it increase the national statistics, but it will keep you strong and healthy, too!

You can start by placing your first order of fresh spring water with us.  Give us a call when you’re ready, and we’ll be over in no time with a case of our best water, straight from Glen Summit Springs.

Happy water drinking, and enjoy the end of your week!

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