Factual Thursday: Being Thirsty

Home / News / Factual Thursday: Being Thirsty

4-7-16At Glen Summit Spring Water, we pride ourselves on knowing water inside and out, but nothing makes us happier than being able to share our knowledge with our valued customers.  So, this Thursday, we have decided to share another fun fact on water with you.  Did you know that by the time your body feels thirsty, it has lost about 1 percent of its total water?  Since your body is made up of 60% water, losing just one percent is enough to send you spiraling towards dehydration.  So, take the preemptive strike on thirst, by making sure that you are drinking enough water throughout the day!  If you find that there is not enough all-natural spring water on hand in your home or at the office, a quick call to us is all you need to make sure you have more than enough water to stay hydrated throughout the day, week, and month!

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