Got Motion Sickness? Get Water

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10-11-16Whether flying, driving, or sailing, motion sickness can get the better of all of us.  Sometimes, it pops up without warning, and other times, it’s an ongoing theme.  However, no matter what your relationship with it you have, motion sickness is something can you can knock out with a very easy an effective method: hydration.

We all know that the body needs to have an ample amount of water in it to function properly, and this is especially true for your body’s motion sensors.  The fluid inside of your ears is the main culprit of motion sickness, and can be tamed in a few different ways.  One of these ways is proper hydration.  Ideally, you should start to hydrate 24-48 hours before the onset of your trip.  Start drinking at regular intervals, but be sure to stay away from alcohol, as a hangover can just exacerbate the symptoms of motion sickness.

Now, after you have prepped yourself, you are going to also want to hydrate on the journey itself.  Keep water flowing through your body, and we promise that you will have a much more pleasant trip.  However, be sure to drink in small quantities, as downing an entire bottle of water has the potential to upset your stomach.  The key here is not to overdo it.  Small sips go a long way.

Finally, find something to distract yourself while hydrating!  Strike up a conversation, do a puzzle, or just look out the window and think; the choices are endless.  If you keep your focus off of the motion, the trip will go by much quicker, and you will experience less symptoms.  Just don’t forget to hydrate!

To find out more of the wonderful things water can do, be sure to check out our previous blogs and to check back every Tuesday and Thursday for a new one!

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