The Importance of Water in Summer – from Glen Summit Spring Water

Home / News / The Importance of Water in Summer – from Glen Summit Spring Water


While it may be safe to assume most of us know the importance of hydration – through water consumption (and spring water, especially), this becomes increasingly essential right now, in the height and the heat of the summer.

If you do not properly hydrate yourself, you will never feel as good as you possibly can. Even your mental capacity with be slowed. This is due to the fact that the human brain is comprised of 75% liquid and requires consistent hydration in order to feel motivated and energized.

During the summer, this becomes even more exacerbated. When you combine the sun’s heat with summer activities such as swimming, hiking, or even walking, not having enough of a continuous replenishment of water can result in dire heat-related issues.

So, what’s the difference in the summer, you may ask?

As little as 10 minutes spent out in the hot sun can lead to conditions such as dry mouth, feeling thirsty and sweating – all signs that you may already be dehydrated.

So, how does one stay hydrated in the summer as to avoid any issues?

While medical professionals recommend the average human being drinks at least eight glasses of water per day, not all body types and activity levels are the same. A general rule of thumb is to take your weight and divide it by two and that is the amount of water you should at least be drinking daily. The number will undoubtedly be higher if you exercise regularly or work in an outdoor profession such as landscaping or construction.

Being conscious of what you’re doing in terms of activity level and how much water you’re consuming will serve you in regulating your hydration and staving off and heat-related problems and/or health and mental-capacity issues caused by dehydration.

Our delivery service and water options provide you with an opportunity to be as hydrated as you need. We invite you to follow the link for our complete line of spring water products.

Happy hydrating!



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