Water for Prom Season

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5-19-16Prom season is upon us, Glen Summit Spring Water fans, and it is going by fast.  Teenagers everywhere are getting ready for their big dance, and if you have a son or daughter heading to the prom, you know just how hectic it can get.  Among all of the pre-prom rituals to get you or your child looking their best, there is one preparatory action that is often overlooked: drinking water.

By drinking a healthy amount of water throughout the day, you will give your skin a natural glow that is show to beat out any fake-tan everyday of the week.  Since the skin is our largest organ, it requires a fair amount of water to stay healthy and strong.  Drinking water throughout the day for a week before prom will help keep your skin taught, soft, and strong.

Now, this does not apply just for prom or just for teenagers, as anyone can reap the benefits from regularly drinking water all year round.  Due to all of the natural minerals found within it, drinking spring water can give you the best  benefits as opposed to drinking other types of water.

To get your skin glowing, or just to try some of our fresh water, give us a call today.  In no time, we’ll run you over what you need so you can see all the benefits that spring water can have for you!

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