Factual Thursday: Tap Water Contaminants

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6-2-16Happy Thursday, Glen Summit fans, and welcome to our latest edition of Factual Thursday!  This week, we’re looking at a topic that has been of an issue in the past few months, especially in Flint, Michigan: tap water contaminants.

While there are many types of water out there available for drinking, tap water has time and time again proven to be a risky choice for consumers.  Tap water is water managed by the government, which is cleaned, processed, fluoridated, and pumped out to your home for consumption.  It is extremely convenient to drink from the tap, but sometimes the water can be laden with contaminants that can cause severe health complications for your and your family.

The most common type of contaminant in tap water are microorganisms, which consists of several different types of bacteria and parasites.  Both can spread from contamination with human or animal feces in the water, and since raw sewage can be turned into tap water, it increases the risk for pathogens as opposed to bottled spring water.  In addition, tap water can carry chemicals from the plant it was processed in right into your glass.  Also, if the pipes that the clean water travels down are made with or have lead coverings, then there is a chance lead can get into your water, like what happened in Flint.

Drinking tap water can come with several unnecessary risks, so why take the chance?  Instead of pouring from the tap, how about you pour from a Glen Summit spring water jug instead?  It is our professional promise that the water we supply to you will be cleaner, fresher, and better for you than what you will get from the tap.  To set up your personal delivery of our fresh, crisp water, give us a call today!

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