Factual Thursday: Water vs Soda

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4-21-16Hey there Glen Summit fans, and welcome to another Factual Thursday!  This week, we get statistical with water.

For years on end, it has been said that soda is the beverage of choice for most Americans, beating out water.  In fact, a 1998 study proved this claim, and found that on average, an American consumes 54 gallons of soda, and only 42 gallons of water in a year.

However, nature always finds a way, and a recent study done by the Associated Press revealed an opposite trend over the past 18 years.  Now, Americans are averaging only 44 gallons of soda, and 58 gallons of water a year.  This is a 16 gallon increase over the past 18 years, which is awesome!  The average American now consumes 20 ounces of water daily, which while being below the standard 8-cups-a-day rule, is still a very good number!

The numbers never lie, and water is on the rise in American again!  Perhaps in the next 18 years we can double that water figure, and further diminish the soda figure, but it all starts with you.  If you make a pledge to drink more water throughout the day, especially all-natural spring-water, then together, we can improve that figure.

To get started on increasing that statistic, give us a quick call, and we’ll get you started with a supply of the freshest water on the East Coast!

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